On Comments 2

Let’s take a look at some more comments from past posts! I’m always glad to have the chance to get back to folks when they’re nice enough to comment, and it also gives me a chance to rehash the topic a little now that I’ve let it sit for a time, which can help me pin down points I might not have quite hit on properly before, or can even reveal to me subtle changes in my opinion in the intervening months. Let’s get started! Continue reading

On comments 1

I’ve gotten a lot of interesting and sometimes in-depth feedback and comments on the blog since I started, which has been awesome to read through. I’ve been really glad to see my posts prompting people to think and write in response. I tried to respond appropriately at first, but I rapidly found that if I tried to keep that up, some of my comments sections would be as much writing as the blog itself, if not more. So I tried to scale back on that, but there’s been a lot of interesting ideas floating around.

So today, I’m going to start responding to reader comments as a now-and-then blog topic. This will let me expand on old subjects to better explain where they might have not been completely clear, as well as letting me engage my readers here a little better. I certainly don’t want people commenting to feel like I’m not even reading their comments– I read and appreciate all of them, it’s just that I know that if I let myself, I could lose hours trying to address them all as thoroughly as I feel they deserve. So hopefully, these posts will help with that a little. Continue reading